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Active2 years, 10 months ago

I have created a class called Calculator with the add, subtract, multiply and divide function. The calculator is limited to adding two numbers and returning the result.I am relatively new to OOP,would like to get some input on the class, did i take the long route and if i did is there another way to simplify the class.

Here is the code:

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Basi ManeleBasi Manele

6 Answers

IMHO, you should use Polymorphism.
This Video may help you understanding this principle

Here's my way of thinking.

First, define an interface for any operations you'd need

Then, create the calculator holder

Then you can define an operation, for example, addition

And you would use it like :

With that point, if you want to add any new behaviour, or modify an existing one, just create or edit a class.

For example, say you want a Modulus operation


This solution allows your code to be a third-party library

If you plan to reuse this code or give it away as a library, the user wouldn't by any case modify your source code.
But what if he wants a Substraction or a BackwardSubstraction method which are not defined ?

He just has to create his very own Substraction class in his project, which implements OperationInterface in order to work with your library.

It's easier to read

When looking in the project architecture it's easier to see a folder like this

And immediatly know which file contains the desired behaviour.

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I don't think a plain calculator is a good example for OOP. An object needs both a set of methods and a set of variables that represent its state, and can be used to differentiate instances of the object. I would suggest trying to make 'moody' calculators. A calculator with a happy mood will add 2 to each result, and an angry calculator will subtract 2 from each result.

2,6182 gold badges19 silver badges30 bronze badges

I would do something like this

This way you can easyly add new operations

And chain operations like this

2,9641 gold badge14 silver badges20 bronze badges

Install printer driver command line. In general, we don't fix value in those kind of class.Your methods should take their 2 values by arguments instead of picking private members.

Like the following:

Thus, Calculator becomes a tool, and we should not need to allocate this kind of object.That's why Calculators methods should be static.

In this way, all you need to call is Calculator::add(1, 2).You can find those kinds of class everywhere. Like Vector, Matrice in math or 3D. Or write to the output or anything like that.

Remember, it is a way to do that, neither the best nor the worst.

12.9k10 gold badges59 silver badges93 bronze badges
Michaël NguyenMichaël Nguyen

you should probably end up doing something like

Php mysql multiple checkbox update safari. Updating MySQL table with PHP and checkboxes. Ask Question. Up vote 1 down vote favorite. I have a table called products, with an. Insert into a MySQL table or update if exists. Why shouldn't I use mysql_* functions in PHP? Hot Network Questions My friends and I went snowboarding. Using the code listed above, this is a subset of code I used for Radio buttons instead of checkboxes. In addition, I was having trouble detecting the Submit button. Feb 15, 2013  When creating your form, you want to create the fields as an array (use [] at the end of the field name) using the ID of the record as the value. I Need to to update multiple checkbox values on multiple records at the same time. When the form loads, it should display the sizes already selected for each style as stored in the style table and if we select or deselect any sizes on a style it should update the sizes field with the appropriate all.

Take a look at this example. You can give any number of arguments like this using func_num_args()

Andrei Cristian ProdanAndrei Cristian Prodan
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Contoh Program Oop Php Download Free Apps

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