Contoh Program Oop Php Video

  • Pengertian OOP (Object Oriented Programming) adalah suatu metode pemrograman yang berorientasi kepada objek. Tujuan dari OOP diciptakan adalah untuk mempermudah pengembangan program dengan cara mengikuti model yang telah ada di kehidupan sehari-hari.
  • There are so many PHP object oriented programming tutorials on. 2.0 Program Output – PHP OOP. 2014/06/php-object-oriented-crud-example-oop.jpg 628. Going through the basics of Object Oriented Programming in PHP.
  • REVIEW MATERI SESI 13 •Membuat, Menulis dan Membaca Isi File •Membuat dan Menghapus Direktori •Manipulasi File •Upload File •Take Home Assignment III POKOK BAHASAN •Object Oriented Programming •Mendefinisikan Class •Contoh Program sederhana OOP PHP •Take Home Assignment IV TUJUAN PEMBELAJARAN Setelah mengikuti perkuliahan ini, mahasiswa diharapkan dapat: •Memahami.

Crud oop; contoh program oop php; membuat crud php oop; crud dengan oop; php oop crud; SHARE: Diki Alfarabi Hadi. Coding enthusiast. Someone who love learn something. Belajar OOP PHP: Method Dalam Konsep OOP PHP. Method adalah suatu operasi berupa fungsi-fungsi yang dapat dikerjakan oleh suatu object. Method didefinisikan pada class akan tetapi dipanggil melalui object. Untuk membuat method bisa dengan dimulai dengan keyword function lalu di ikuti oleh nama function nya. Berikut ini adalah contoh.

Active2 years, 10 months ago

I have created a class called Calculator with the add, subtract, multiply and divide function. The calculator is limited to adding two numbers and returning the result.I am relatively new to OOP,would like to get some input on the class, did i take the long route and if i did is there another way to simplify the class.

Here is the code:

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Basi ManeleBasi Manele

6 Answers

IMHO, you should use Polymorphism.
This Video may help you understanding this principle

Here's my way of thinking.

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First, define an interface for any operations you'd need

Then, create the calculator holder

Then you can define an operation, for example, addition

And you would use it like :

With that point, if you want to add any new behaviour, or modify an existing one, just create or edit a class.

For example, say you want a Modulus operation


This solution allows your code to be a third-party library

If you plan to reuse this code or give it away as a library, the user wouldn't by any case modify your source code.
But what if he wants a Substraction or a BackwardSubstraction method which are not defined ?

He just has to create his very own Substraction class in his project, which implements OperationInterface in order to work with your library.

It's easier to read

When looking in the project architecture it's easier to see a folder like this

And immediatly know which file contains the desired behaviour.

6,9153 gold badges36 silver badges56 bronze badges

I don't think a plain calculator is a good example for OOP. An object needs both a set of methods and a set of variables that represent its state, and can be used to differentiate instances of the object. I would suggest trying to make 'moody' calculators. A calculator with a happy mood will add 2 to each result, and an angry calculator will subtract 2 from each result.


Oop Php Tutorial

2,6182 gold badges19 silver badges30 bronze badges

I would do something like this

This way you can easyly add new operations

And chain operations like this

2,9641 gold badge14 silver badges20 bronze badges

In general, we don't fix value in those kind of class.Your methods should take their 2 values by arguments instead of picking private members.

Like the following:

Thus, Calculator becomes a tool, and we should not need to allocate this kind of object.That's why Calculators methods should be static.

In this way, all you need to call is Calculator::add(1, 2).You can find those kinds of class everywhere. Like Vector, Matrice in math or 3D. Or write to the output or anything like that.

Remember, it is a way to do that, neither the best nor the worst.

12.9k10 gold badges59 silver badges93 bronze badges
Michaël NguyenMichaël Nguyen

you should probably end up doing something like

Take a look at this example. You can give any number of arguments like this using func_num_args()

Andrei Cristian Prodan

Contoh Program Oop Php Video Upload

Andrei Cristian Prodan
8062 gold badges15 silver badges34 bronze badges

This task has a lot of solutions, here is one of them:

And here is nice solution

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Not the answer you're looking for? Browse other questions tagged phpoop or ask your own question.

A collection of resources to learn object-oriented programming and related concepts for PHP developers.Please see CONTRIBUTING for details and contribute. ;)

  • Tutorials


OOP Fundamentals

Object-oriented programming fundamentals tutorials.

  • Object Introduction (►) - An introduction about objects and related concepts.
  • Intro To Object Associations (►) - An introduction about object associations.
  • Object-Oriented Programming (►) - An introduction about object-oriented programming in general.
  • Getting Started with OOP in PHP (►) - Object-oriented programming introduction in PHP.
  • Beginning OOP in PHP (►) - Another object-oriented programming introduction in PHP.
  • Intermediate OOP in PHP (►) - Intermediate concepts about object-oriented programming in PHP.
  • PHP OOP Tutorials (►) - Tutorials about OOP, Design Patterns and MVC.
  • PHP Object Oriented Programming Fundamentals (►$) - An introduction course about object-oriented programming in PHP.
  • OOP Official PHP Reference - PHP official reference about object-oriented programming.
  • Object-Oriented PHP for Beginners - A tutorial about OOP in PHP for beginners.
  • Introduction to OOP Concepts and More - A tutorial about OOP and an introduction to UML and Design Patterns.
  • From Procedural to Object Oriented PHP - A tutorial from procedural to object-oriented programming in PHP.
  • OOP vs Procedural Code - Difference between OOP and procedural code.

OOP Advanced

Object-oriented programming advanced tutorials.

Contoh Program Oop

  • What Are Abstract Classes? - A tutorial explaining abstract classes in PHP.
  • Abstract Classes and Interfaces (►) - Introduction about abstract classes and interfaces.
  • When should I code to an Interface? - A tutorial explaining what is and when to use interfaces in PHP.
  • Understanding and Applying Polymorphism in PHP - A tutorial explaining about abstract classes, interfaces and polymorphism in PHP.
  • Inheritance and Polymorphism Concepts (►) - An introduction about inheritance and polymorphism.
  • Beyond Inheritance - A tutorial explaining what is inheritance and its types.
  • The Clean Code Talks - Inheritance, Polymorphism, & Testing (►) - A tutorial about polymorphism and how it affects testing.
  • PHP Namespaces Explained - A tutorial explaining how namespaces works in PHP.
  • PHP Namespaces - A tutorial explaining what is and how namespaces works in PHP.
  • PHP Namespaces in 120 Seconds Tutorial (►) - A 120 seconds long tutorial explaining what is and how to use namespaces in PHP.
  • PSR-Huh? - An introduction about PSR standards.
  • Autoloading in PHP and the PSR-0 Standard - An introduction about what is autoloading in PHP and the PSR-0 standard.
  • Battle of the Autoloaders: PSR-0 vs. PSR-4 - A tutorial explaining the difference between PSR-0 and PSR-4 autoloader standards.
  • PSR-4 Autoloading (►$) - A tutorial explaining PSR-4 autoloader standard.
  • How Static Works in PHP (►) - An introduction on how static members work in PHP.
  • When to Use Static Methods - A tutorial explaining when to use static methods in PHP.
  • PHP Exceptions - An introduction about exceptions in PHP.
  • When should you use an Exception? - A tutorial explaining when to use exceptions in PHP.
  • Error Handling in PHP - An introduction about error handling in PHP and exceptions.
  • What are PHP Magic Methods? - A tutorial explaining what is magic methods and examples on how to use them in PHP.
  • Magic Methods and Predefined Constants in PHP - A tutorial about magic methods and predefined constants in PHP.
  • What are PHP Traits? - A tutorial explaining what is and how to use traits in PHP.
  • Using Traits in PHP 5.4 - Another tutorial explaining what is and how to use traits in PHP.
  • The PHP Reflection API (►) - A tutorial explaining the PHP Reflection API.
  • What is Reflection in PHP? - A tutorial explaining what is, when to use and some samples about reflection in PHP.
  • Reflection in PHP - Another tutorial about reflection in PHP.
  • UML 2.0 Tutorial (►) - An introduction tutorial about UML.
  • UML - Another introduction tutorial about UML.
  • Composer Primer - A complete tutorial about what is and how to use Composer.
  • Easy Package Management With Composer - An introduction about Composer.
  • Better Workflow in PHP With Composer, Namespacing, and PHPUnit - An introduction tutorial explaining how to use Composer, namespaces and PHPUnit in a PHP project.
  • PHP Testing Basics (►) - An introduction about tests in PHP.
  • Test-Driven PHP in Action (►$) - An introduction about test-driven development in PHP.
  • OOP in PHP With Tests (►$) - A tutorial about OOP in PHP with tests.
  • Introduction to PhpDoc - An introduction about code documentation in PHP.
  • PHP & Enums (►) - An introduction about enums in PHP.
  • Type Hinting in PHP - An introduction about type hinting in PHP.
  • Introduction to Static and Dynamic Typing - A tutorial explaining static and dynamic typing in programming.
  • Annotations in PHP: They Exist! (►) - An introduction to annotations in PHP.

Object-Oriented Design

Object-oriented design tutorials.

  • Object-Oriented Design in PHP (►$) - An introduction to object-oriented design in PHP.
  • Object Oriented Design Cheat Sheet - A cheat sheet about object-oriented design.
  • Principles Of Object Oriented Design - An introduction to some principles about object-oriented design.
  • Foundations Of OO Design - Some thoughts about object-oriented design.
  • How to Write Code That Embraces Change - An introduction to OOD principles like cohesion, orthogonality, coupling, SOLID and others.
  • Build seven good object-oriented habits in PHP - A tutorial about good habits in OOP in PHP.
  • 3 Key Software Principles You Must Understand - An introduction to DRY, KISS and YAGNI principles.
  • From STUPID to SOLID Code! - An introduction to SOLID principles.
  • Don't be STUPID: GRASP SOLID! - An introduction to SOLID principles in PHP.
  • Don't Be Stupid, Grasp Solid - Slides - An introduction to SOLID and other OOD principles in PHP.
  • The SOLID Principles - A series of tutorials about SOLID principles in PHP.
  • The Single Responsibility Principle - An introduction to Single Responsibility Principle in PHP.
  • The Open/Closed Principle - An introduction to Open/Closed Principle in PHP.
  • Constructors and Breaking the Liskov Substitution Principle - An introduction to Liskov Substitution Principle in PHP.
  • Inversion of Control – The Hollywood Principle - An introduction to Inversion of Control Principle in PHP.
  • The Dependency Inversion Principle - An introduction to Dependency Inversion Principle in PHP.
  • SRP: The Single Responsibility Principle - An article explaining the Single Responsibility Principle.
  • The Open-Closed Principle - An article explaining the Open/Closed Principle.
  • The Liskov Substitution Principle - An article explaining the Liskov Substitution Principle.
  • The Interface Segregation Principle - An article explaining the Interface Segregation Principle.
  • The Dependency Inversion Principle - An article explaining the Dependency Inversion Principle.
  • Inversion of Control Containers and the Dependency Injection Pattern - An article about Inversion of Control Containers and the Dependency Injection Pattern.
  • DIP in the Wild - An article about Dependency Inversion Principle.
  • Reducing Coupling - An article about reducing coupling.
  • Tell Don't Ask - An introduction to Tell Don't Ask principle.
  • Introduction to the Law of Demeter - An introduction to the Law of Demeter.
  • You Aren't Gonna Need It - An introduction to YAGNI principle.
  • Premature Optimization - An introduction to Premature Optimization anti-pattern.
  • Primitive Obsession - An introduction to Primitive Obsession anti-pattern.
  • God Class - An introduction to God Class anti-pattern.
  • Object Calisthenics - An introduction to Object Calisthenics.
  • Your code sucks, let's fix it! - An introduction to Object Calisthenics in PHP.
  • Domain-Driven Design - An introduction to Domain-Driven Design.
  • The Null Object Pattern - Polymorphism in Domain Models - An introduction to the Null Object Pattern in PHP.
  • An Introduction to Services - An introduction to Services in PHP.
  • Evolving Toward a Persistence Layer - An introduction to Persistence Layer implementation in PHP.
  • Building a Domain Model – An Introduction to Persistence Agnosticism and Building a Domain Model – Integrating Data Mappers - A tutorial about creating a Domain Model in PHP.
  • Handling Collections of Aggregate Roots – the Repository Pattern - An introduction to the Repository Pattern in PHP.
  • Value Objects - An introduction to Value Objects in PHP.
  • What is the difference between Entities and Value Objects? - A tutorial explaining the difference between Entities and Value Objects.
  • What’s the difference between Active Record and Data Mapper? - A tutorial explaining the difference between Active Record and Data Mapper patterns.
  • Managing Class Dependencies: An Introduction to Dependency Injection, Service Locators, and Factories, Part 1 and Managing Class Dependencies: An Introduction to Dependency Injection, Service Locators, and Factories, Part 2 - An introduction to Dependency Injection, Service Locators and Factories.
  • Money Pattern: The Right Way to Represent Value-Unit Pairs - An introduction to the Money Pattern in PHP.
  • Working with Money and Currency in PHP - A tutorial about how to work with Money and Currency in PHP.
  • Working with Products, Orders and Sales in PHP - A tutorial about how to work with Products, Orders and Sales in PHP.
  • Reusing Implementation – a Walk-through of Inheritance, Composition, and Delegation - A tutorial about code reusing and OOP in PHP.
  • Design Tech Talk Series Presents: OO Design for Testability (►) - A talk about Object-Oriented Design a testability.
  • The Clean Code Talks - Don't Look For Things! (►) - Another talk about Object-Oriented Design a testability.
  • Programming With Anthony - Paradigm Soup (►) - An introduction to programming paradigms and its differences.
  • Programming With Anthony - Dependency Injection (►) - An introduction to Dependency Injection.
  • What is Dependency Injection? - An introduction to Dependency Injection in PHP.
  • Dependency Injection with PHP 5.3 - Slides about Dependency Injection in PHP.
  • Why use a Dependency Injection Container? - A tutorial of what is and when to use a Dependency Injection Container.
  • Dependency Injection with Pimple - An introduction to Dependency Injection and how use Pimple for that.
  • Dependency Injection Is Not The Same As The Dependency Inversion Principle - A tutorial explaining the difference between Dependency Injection and Dependency Inversion Principle.
  • Catalog of Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture - A catalog of Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture.

Design Patterns

Design patterns tutorials.

  • Design Patterns - A complete tutorial about design patterns.
  • A Beginner's Guide to Design Patterns - An introduction tutorial to design patterns.
  • Design Patterns - Programming With Anthony (►) - An introduction to design patterns.
  • Beyond Design Patterns - Another introduction tutorial to design patterns.
  • The Whens and Whys for PHP Design Patterns - A tutorial explaining why and when use design patterns in PHP.
  • Design Patterns Workshop (►) - A workshop about design patterns in PHP.
  • Design Patterns Video Tutorial (►) - A series about design patterns.
  • PHP Design Patterns - Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software (►) - A series about design patterns in PHP.
  • Agile Design Patterns (►$) - A series about design patterns in PHP.
  • Design Patterns in PHP (►$) - Another series about design patterns in PHP.
  • Introduction to Design Patterns with PHP - An introduction slide to SOLID and design patterns in PHP.
  • Database Design Patterns - A slide about database design patterns in PHP.
  • Design Patterns PHP - A collection of design patterns and some code implementation in PHP.
  • Anti Patterns - A complete tutorial about anti patterns.
  • Design Patterns with PHP - Adapters - A tutorial about Adapter pattern in PHP.
  • Practical Aspects of the Adapter Pattern - Another tutorial about Adapter pattern in PHP.
  • Understanding the Command Design Pattern - A tutorial about Command pattern in PHP.
  • Understanding the Observer Pattern - A tutorial about Observer pattern in PHP.
  • Iterators - Programming With Anthony (►) - An introduction to Iterator pattern in PHP.
  • Iterators in PHP (►) - A talk about iterators in PHP.
  • Mediators - Programming With Anthony - An introduction to Mediator pattern.
  • Manage Complexity with the Facade Pattern - An introduction to Facade pattern in PHP.
  • What are the benefits of using Repositories? - An introduction to Repository pattern in PHP.
  • The Repository Design Pattern - A complete tutorial about Repository pattern in PHP.
  • An Introduction to the Front Controller Pattern, Part 1 and An Introduction to the Front Controller Pattern, Part 2 - An introduction to Front Controller pattern in PHP.
  • The Template Method Pattern - Override Strategy Logic - An introduction to Template method in PHP.
  • What is the Factory Method Design Pattern? - An introduction to Factory pattern in PHP.
  • What is the Decorator Pattern? - An introduction to Decorator pattern in PHP.


Refactoring tutorials.

  • Refactoring - A complete tutorial guide about refactoring.
  • Code Refactoring (►) - A series about code refactoring.
  • Clean Code Refactoring (►) - A talk about refactoring and clean code in PHP.
  • Refactoring Legacy Code - A tutorial series about refactoring legacy code with examples.
  • Detecting Code Smells (►$) - A series about code smells in PHP.
  • Techniques for Refactoring Code (►$) - A series about refactoring code in PHP.
  • Workflows of Refactoring (►) - A talk about workflows of refactoring.
  • Beyond Clean Code - An introduction about clean code.
  • Catalog of Refactorings - A catalog of refactorings.


Architecture tutorials.

  • Create Your Own PHP Framework - A series of articles on how to create your own PHP framework.
  • Creating Your Own MVC Series (►) - Another series on how to create your own PHP framework.
  • A Beginner's Guide To MVC For The Web - A tutorial about MVC for the web.
  • The MVC Pattern and PHP, Part 1 and The MVC Pattern and PHP, Part 2 - An introduction tutorial about MVC pattern.
  • Alternatives To MVC - An introduction to alternative architectures to MVC.
  • N-Tier Architecture - An Introduction - An introduction to n-tier architecture.
  • Hexagonal Architecture - An introduction to Hexagonal Architecture in PHP.


Not related to OOP but interesting resources.

  • Awesome PHP - A curated list of amazingly awesome PHP libraries, resources and shiny things.
  • PHP The Right Way - A complete guide about the best practices and tutorials in PHP.
  • PHP Lecture Slides - A complete and concise slide about PHP fundamentals, OOP, REST, Composer, MVC, Design Patterns, ORM, Security, OOD and testing in PHP.
  • Functional Programming in PHP - An introduction to functional programming in PHP.
  • Functional Programming and PHP - Another introduction to functional programming and concepts in PHP.
  • What's In A Type - A tutorial about types and PHP.
  • Data Structures for PHP Devs: Stacks and Queues - A tutorial about Stacks and Queues data structures in PHP.
  • Data Structures for PHP Devs: Trees - A tutorial about Tree data structure in PHP.
  • Data Structures for PHP Devs: Heaps - A tutorial about Heap data structure in PHP.
  • Data Structures for PHP Devs: Graphs - A tutorial about Graph data structure in PHP.
  • PHP Security Pitfalls (►$) - A series about security in PHP.


Videos about object-oriented programming and related concepts.

  • ..more to come..


Slides about object-oriented programming and related concepts.

  • The OOP in PHP - An introductory tutorial to OOP concepts and terminology using PHP's object model as an example.


Courses about object-oriented programming and related concepts.

  • ..more to come..


Fantastic and must-read books about object-oriented programming, analysis, design and related concepts.

120 All About Pro Evolution Soccer. Such as Patch, Mods, Template, Tuftorial and Tools.


Some fantastic and influential PHP and non-PHP developers.

  • Adam Culp - Consultant at Zend Technologies and Sunshine PHP organizer.
  • Alvaro Videla - Creator of PHP library for RabbitMQ and co-author of RabbitMQ in Action.
  • Andi Gutmans - CEO and co-founder of Zend and PHP co-architect.
  • Andy Hunt - One of the original authors of Agile Manifesto and co-author of The Pragmatic Programmer book.
  • Anthony Ferrara - Co-author of PHP Internals book and Developer Advocate for Google.
  • Benjamin Eberlei - Project-leader of Doctrine ORM and contributor to the Symfony2 Framework.
  • Bernhard Schussek - Member of Symfony2 core development and creator of Puli library.
  • Bruno Skvorc - Web developer and PHP editor in Sitepoint.
  • Cal Evans - PHP developer and open source contributor.
  • Chad Fowler - Developer, speaker and author of The Passionate Programmer book.
  • Christophe Coevoet - Member of Symfony2 core development and open source contributor to projects like Doctrine ORM.
  • David Zuelke - PHP developer at Heroku and regular speaker.
  • Dayle Rees - Laravel evangelist and author of Laravel Code Bright and Code Happy books.
  • Derick Rethans - Author of Xdebug and PHP engineer/evangelist on MongoDB.
  • Erika Heidi - Author of Vagrant Cookbook and Phansible project and developer evangelist at Digital Ocean.
  • Fabien Potencier - CEO and co-founder of SensioLabs and founder and project lead of Symfony Framework.
  • Guilherme Blanco - PHP developer and open source contributor to projects like Doctrine ORM and Zend and Symfony frameworks.
  • Hugo Hamon - PHP developer and head of training in SensioLabs.
  • Igor Wiedler - Creator of Silex micro-framework and open-source contributor to projects like Symfony and Composer.
  • Javier Eguiluz - Symfony evangelist in SensioLab and creator of easybook project.
  • Jeffrey Way - Creator of Laracasts and Laravel contributor and evangelist.
  • Jeremy Mikola - Engineer at MongoDB, open source contributor to projects like Doctrine ODM and Symfony Framework, and co-organizer of WurstCon.
  • Johannes Schmitt - Founder of Scrutinizer CI and open source contributor to projects like Symfony.
  • Jordi Boggiano - Founder of Toran Proxy, co-creator and project lead of Composer and Monolog and Symfony core developer.
  • Josh Lockhart - Creator of Slim Framework and PHP The Right Way site.
  • Julien Pauli - Co-author of PHP Internals book and open source contributor.
  • Kent Beck - One of the original authors of Agile Manifesto and creator of Exteme Programming and Test Driven Development.
  • Konstantin Kudryashov - Creator of Behat and PhpSpec test frameworks.
  • Kris Wallsmith - PHP developer and creator of Assetic framework and Buzz library.
  • Larry Garfield - PHP developer and core contributor of Drupal.
  • Lukas Kahwe Smith - PHP developer and open source contributor to projects like Doctrine ORM and Symfony Framework.
  • Marcello Duarte - PHP developer and co-creator of PhpSpec test framework.
  • Martin Fowler - One of the original authors of Agile Manifesto and author of the best selling books about software engineering like Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture and Refactoring books.
  • Matthew Weier O'Phinney - Principal Enginner at Zend Technologies and project lead for Zend Framework and Apigility.
  • Matthias Noback - PHP developer and author of books like A Year with Symfony and Principles of Package Design.
  • Marco Pivetta - PHP developer and core team member of Doctrine ORM and team member of Zend Framework.
  • Michael Dowling - Software enginner at Amazon Web Services and creator of Guzzle library.
  • Mike van Riel - PHP developer and lead developer of phpDocumentor and Cilex projects.
  • Nikita Popov - Co-author of PHP Internals book, open source contributor and creator of PHP Parser library.
  • Nils Adermann - PHP developer and co-creator of Composer.
  • Pablo Godel - PHP developer, open source contributor and co-organizer of Sunshine PHP.
  • Paul Jones - PHP developer, creator of Aura PHP, open source contributor and author of Modernizing Legacy Applications in PHP.
  • Phil Sturgeon - Founder of PyroCMS, open source contributor and author of Build APIs You Won't Hate book.
  • Philip Brown - PHP developer and writer in Culttt website.
  • Pádraic Brady - Creator of Mockery library and open source contributor to projects like Zend Framework.
  • Rafael Dohms - PHP developer and evangelist, open source contributor and organizer of Amsterdam PHP.
  • Rasmus Lerdorf - Creator of PHP and open source contributor.
  • Rob Allen - PHP developer, Zend Framework contributor and co-author of Zend Framework in Action book.
  • Robert C. Martin - One of the original authors of Agile Manifesto and author of the best selling books about software engineering like Clean Code and Agile Principles, Patterns, and Practices in C# books.
  • Ryan Weaver - PHP developer, trainer and consultant at KnpLabs and member of Symfony core team.
  • Sara Golemon - Open source contributor to projects like PHP runtime and HHVM and author of Extending and Embedding PHP book.
  • Sebastian Bergmann - PHP developer, open source contributor and creator of PHPUnit test framework.
  • Taylor Otwell - PHP developer and creator of Laravel Framework.
  • Ward Cunningham - Programmer pioneer in Design Patterns and Extreme Programming.
  • William Durand - PHP developer, open source contributor and creator of Geocoder library.
  • Zeev Suraski - CTO and co-founder of Zend and PHP co-architect.

Some Questions

I found not related to PHP resources. Is this correct?
The project name is 'Learning OOP in PHP'. But, despite the name, object oriented programming is a concept related to a lot of other languages like C++, Java, C#, Python, Ruby and so on. That said, exists a lot of fantastic resources like videos and tutorials about object-oriented programming made in another programming languages and I considered reasonable include them here in this reference.

There are some tutorials that aren't in the correct section?
I tried to keep this reference as simple as possible and divided it in a few areas. But there are some problems! Feel free to make any suggestions and contribute.