Node Js Php Serialize

Serialize an object including it's function into a JSON. - luin/serialize. How to serialize an object in JavaScript? How to serialize object test to string? (methods, variables, etc). Browse other questions tagged javascript node.js. I am using sails.js (node js framework). I am trying to JSON.stringify one of the objects, but when I do that it omits one of the fields (rooms array below). Here is what console.log(object) give. Node.js has emerged as a leading platform for creating fully scalable applications within least amount of time. Additionally, the platform undergoes constant upgrades so as to allow developers to continue delivering bespoke applications for their clients. Unlike in the case of XML, choosing JSON. A simple and easy to understand guide for beginners to start using JSON data in Node.js application with Javascript code examples. PHP Tutorials. 新闻:Node.js惊爆重大漏洞 看到这条新闻前,我一直觉得 Node 环境是比较安全的,很少有严重漏洞,大多是一些 xss 类漏洞,即使在文件上传处,上传 shell也不定能执行。. The best way to do this is to write a own serialize method which creates a JSON object with attributes, based on your getters. Normally you define a getter per attribute. So it should work for most cases (so you don't have to define a serialize.

Binser uses its own binary protocol to serialize nested objectstructures to binary stream. Some features:

  • Primitives such as Int8, UInt8 .. Int32, UInt32;
  • CompactNumber minimizes size of numbers;
  • String type that takes care of string transmission by pre-pending string size;
  • Custom object type for your own objects;
  • Arrays;
  • Unlimited mixing and nesting of all available type combinations;
  • Documented protocol: look at /doc.

Stable usage is documented bellow.

Serialize/deserialize simple object using ObjectType

Require this:

Create your type serializer:

Serialize your hash to buffer using your type serializer:

Deserialize it back:

Serialize/deserialize built-in object

Any built-in type serializer can be used the same way as ObjectType.For example, serializing and deserializing a string:

Serialize/deserialize an array of objects using ArrayType

ArrayType can be used for serializing arrays of any type ofobjects, here is an example of string array:

ObjectType can also be used:

And any other nested combination.

• Maximal cable length: 50 feet at 19200 bps, 3000 feet at 2400 bps (you can go much higher without troubles in most cases) • Connectors: The most common RS232 connectors are the DB-9 and DB-25. Other parts of the RS232 specification: • Signal voltages: -5V to -15V (logical 1), +5V to +15V (logical 0) on the sender side, -3V to -15V (logical 1), +3V to +15V (locical 0) on the receiver side. You need a so-called tail circuit cable for that, but since this is a very uncommon kind of connection, I won´t describe it here. Typically on a standard PC +/-12V is used. Hp serial port adapter pa716a.

The list of built-in serializers so far:

types.Int88-bit signed integer.
types.UInt88-bit unsigned integer.
types.Int1616-bit signed integer.
types.UInt1616-bit unsigned integer.
types.Int3232-bit signed integer.
types.UInt3232-bit unsigned integer.
types.CompactNumberInteger takes from 1 to 5 bytes, depending on value size.
types.StringVariable - length string.
ObjectType(config)A sequence of other objects.
ArrayType()A varied sequence of other objects.

No floating point numbers (yet).

Pass serialized objects over streams similar to TCP

Included Reader helper can help deserializing data transmittedover protocol such as TCP. It will automatically call onReadcallback only when full object is available.

Writing to stream is easy:

Reading is a bit more involved:

Th is li st of HD D' s no t on ly sp ec if ie s th e na me of ea ch va li d dr iv e ty pe bu t al so th e ha rd wa re sp ec if ic at io ns suc h as num ber of rea d/w rit e hea ds, pla tte rs, sur fac es, seg men t siz es and oth er tec hni cal dat a des cri bin g the fea tur es and cap aci ty of the HDD to the SST. Originally these HDD Dewcriptor Files were regular text files which could be editted to add new HDD formats when necessary. Free software serial no. Canon updates these lists when they use different forms of drives in the different models of copiers and when you ins tal l a mor e rec entversi on of thefirmw are fora mod el int o you r SSTyou are als o upd ati ng thi s lis t of HDD 's. More recently Canon has started encrypting the files to prevent them being editted. As such, newer model Canon Ima geR UNN ER' s wil l req uir e tha t aut hen tic Can on HDD 's be ins tal led sho uld the y req uir e rep lac eme nt.

Active3 years, 3 months ago

I am interested in finding out what binary serialization frameworks/libraries are there for node.js.

I tried to use Apache Thrift, but the documentation is very poor and does not offer any example in this area.

Does anyone know of any alternatives?

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1 Answer

How about ProtoBuf from Google?

Here is a JS port that is available on npm.


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