Treasure Of The Old Man Of The Pyramids Pdf Printer
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- Skinner - The Fourth Book of Occult Philosophy.pdf
- Skinner S, Rankine, D - The Keys to the Gateway of Magic.pdf
- Skinner S, Rankine, D - The Veritable Key of Solomon.pdf
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- Trident Books - The Treasure of the Old Man of the Pyramids.pdf
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The Black Pullet (original French: La poule noire) also known in French as “la poule aux œufs d’or” (the hen that lays golden eggs) is a grimoire that proposes to teach the 'science of magical talismans and rings', including the art of necromancy and Kabbalah. It is believed to have been written in the 18th century[1] by an anonymous French officer who served in Napoleon's army. The text takes the form of a narrative centering on the French officer during the Egyptian expedition led by Napoleon (referred to here as the 'genius') when his unit is suddenly attacked by Arab soldiers (Bedouins). The French officer manages to escape the attack, but is the only survivor. An old Turkish man appears suddenly from the pyramids and takes the French officer into a secret apartment within one of the pyramids. He nurses him back to health whilst sharing with him the magical teachings from ancient manuscripts that escaped the 'burning of Ptolemy's library'.
The book itself contains information regarding the creation of certain magical properties, such as talismanic rings, amulets and the Black Pullet itself. The book also teaches the reader how to master the extraordinary powers from these magical properties. Perhaps the most interesting magical property claimed in the book is the power to produce the Black Pullet, otherwise known as the Hen that lays Golden Eggs. The grimoire claims that the person who understands and attains the power to instruct the Black Pullet will gain unlimited wealth. The notion of such a lucrative possession has been reflected throughout history in fables, fairy tales and folklore.

This text has often been associated to two other texts, known as the Red Dragon (or The Grand Grimoire) and the Black Screech Owl. The latter is also confusingly known as The Black Pullet or Treasure of the Old Man of the Pyramids, and is in fact an alternate printing of the original Black Pullet with only slight changes. All three grimoires claim to possess the science of ancient magic.
See also[edit]
The Old Man Of The Mountain

The Old Man Of Storr Skye
- ^Spence, Lewis (2006). An Encyclopaedia of Occultism. p. 71. ISBN978-1-59605-237-6.
External links[edit]
Treasure Of The Old Man Of The Pyramids
- - another definition
- Grimoires & Spellbooks - more information regarding associated grimoires
- Online book locations Download: The Black Pullet
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