Install Php Pear In Windows Wamp Server
All the guides for installing PEAR on wampserver, such as the Symfony guide, say I am to run a go-pear.bat script within some PEAR directory. I am on wampserver 2.1 and there is no PEAR directory. I'm having problems installing pear on my local machine that has Wamp installed. Full setup as follows Windows XP Pro Wamp Server Version 2.0 php 5.3.0 I'm reading all over the net that pear has. Mar 07, 2012 Tutorial on How to install pear on wamp server in 6 steps made by Ahmad A.Naser. 1-php.exe -d phar.require_hash=0
First answer. Don't try to compile Mapscript on Ubuntu 16.04 with PHP as long as your PHP version is not 5.x. It will not work for the simple reason that supported PHP version in Ubuntu 16.04 is 7.0 and infortunately for you PHP 7 and MapScript.
I want to install PEAR on my windows 7. I have Wamp 2.1 with php 5.3.4It seems that there's no such files as 'go-pear.bat' in this new version of wamp.
Then how can I install PEAR ?
Thank you.
cweiske2 Answers
Please follow the PEAR installation instructions on the PEAR website. And yes, you can follow the Unix steps to get a go-pear.phar
Install Wamp On Windows 10
cweiskecweiskeInstall Php Pear In Windows Wamp Server Free
I have followed these steps and it works for me1. download go-pear.phar right from pear website. Copy this file in c:/wamp/bin/php/php5.3.83. Open command promt.4. Go to the php5.3.8 directory using cd c:/wamp/bin/php/php5.3.85. run the command php go-pear.phar